Luigi Piroddi

Controllo attivo del rumore e delle vibrazioni


  1. Course presentation
  2. Introduction to active control of noise and vibrations, Application examples
  3. Basics of acoustics
  4. Interference in plane waves
  5. Adaptive filtering
  6. Broadband feedforward ANC: Part A) The FxLMS algorithm, Part B) The FuLMS algorithm
  7. Narrowband feedforward ANC, Appendix: Adaptive notch filtering with frequency tracking
  8. Multiple-channel ANC
  9. Feedback ANC
  10. On-line secondary path modeling techniques
  11. Implementation issues
  12. Structural dynamics and vibrations
  13. Co-located control
  14. Active damping
  15. State space methods
  16. Active isolation of vibrations
  17. Sound sensors and actuators
  18. Vibration sensors and actuators
  19. Industrial products
Dinamica e controllo delle vibrazioni negli elicotteri (a cura del Prof. Marco Lovera)

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